
Future date calculator
Future date calculator

future date calculator

The Gregorian Calendar began on 14 September 1752, skipping 11 days. In Great Britain, and what was to become the USA, the calendar system changed from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar on 2 September 1752. You then need to apply an adjustment based on the century. That would link the month of October with the number zero. For example, Halloween is in October, so to remember that October has a Month Code of zero (represented by an image of a ball), you could picture a group of people in Halloween costumes doing something with a ball.

future date calculator

If you are having trouble associating the images with the months, pick an aspect of each month to associate the image with. If the number six is represented by the image of an elephant, picture an elephant in April and July, and so on. You could picture a butterfly in February and March, if you use a butterfly image for the number three. For example, you could picture a game of soccer (football) in January, with ball being a mnemonic image for zero. I use my Ben System images: Samwise (033) throws a glass of beer (614) on George Boole (625) who falls backwards on Sally (035).Ī way to quickly memorize 033614625035 without a complex mnemonic system would be to use a number shape system to associate images with each month.


If you don’t know how to memorize a number like 033614625035, you could either use repetition or learn a mnemonic system like the Major System or Dominic System. For Einsteins birthday in March, it is 3. If you know how to memorize numbers you can quickly memorize the number 033614625035: You could use a number shape image like a ball or egg to hold that in memory while you calculate the items below (because 0 looks like a ball or an egg, making it easy to remember that digit). 98 / 7 = 14, and the remainder is 0, so 0 is our Year Code for 1879. ” Mod” means divide the number and keep only the remainder. Then add 19 back into the YY number, which is 79 in this case, resulting in 98. For the year 1879, it’s 79.įirst, divide YY by 4 and discard the remainder: 79 div 4 = 19.


To calculate the Year Code, use this formula: (YY + (YY div 4)) mod 7 I’ll run through an example with the date, 14 March 1879 - Einstein’s birthday.

future date calculator

The formula is: (Year Code + Month Code + Century Code + Date Number - Leap Year Code) mod 7 It allows you to take a date, like 14 March 1879, and mentally calculate which day of the week it fell on.įirst, we’ll show you how to do the technique from scratch, and then we’ll give you an interactive date calculator that you can use to check every step of the algorithm. Here is a calendar calculation technique that I learned from a book called Mind Performance Hacks.

Future date calculator